Friday 19 December 2008

Favourite Famous Quotes I: Facebook ones...

I take life with a pinch of salt, a wedge of lime, and a shot of tequila.

(Now this is from a magnet I got after my first year of Uni and it really applied to how I take things in life! I really do take a shot and hope for the best in the end... alcoholics anonymous here I come!! I am sure I will be in Rehab with Amy Winehouse anyday soon!! LOL)

All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in simple words: freedom, justice, honour, duty, mercy, hope. (Winston Churchill)
(Great man! And a very true quote. What would happen if every single one of us did this? If we were all merciful, hopeful and fair where would the world be? And if we all promoted honour and duty, would there be any yobbos on the street? I dunno, sometimes I wonder what Winston would have made of this world... and btw, I dont think he is by any means totally innocent. He could have been reminded of this speech at the Nuremburg trials... Why did the English, American, Russian and French never go on trial themselves?)

Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed. (Winston Churchill)
(This quote made me LMAO (laugh my arse off!!) I would like t be remembered for something good, but you know... not RIGHT now!!)

History will be kind to me for I intend to write it (Winston Churchill)
(Oh so true!! I am gonna be there writing it... go me, wee historian!! Go, Gal!! Go!!)

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination. (Oscar Wilde)
(This just makes me wonder... I live within my means... and i am seeking inspiration to spend it!! haha!! I like the idea, that if you can't take this money with you then you might as well do something exciting with it!!)

Mortality, like art, means drawing a line someplace (OW)

Oscar Wilde was a very wise man. This quote almost makes dying art in itself. Death is afterall just drawing a line underneath line. Hopefully there will be more afterwards!

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much (OW)
(Btw this works, I have done it... they never live it down, even after you are friends years afterwards. They never understand why and it gives you a good feeling!)

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes (Ghandi)
(I have made many mistakes, and I have learnt a lot from them. It also means we can come to see other's errors and realise they are no less or more than us. It is equalising!)

An eye for an eye makes the world blind (gandhi)
(Heard this in a film before I realised this was said by Ghandi... Revenge really doesnt solve anything... see above!!)

"I'm just a fucked up girl looking for my own piece of mind" Clementine Kruczynski (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind)

(I am a fucked up girl and I am looking for my own piece of mind... solved? oh God no... see my blog!!)

How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot! / The world forgetting, by the world forgot / Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! / Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.

(see my first ever blog...)

You find a glimmer of happiness in this world, theres always someone who wants to destroy it. (Finding Netherland)
(I love Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet in this movie, but this quote is so right. I work at a place where relationships with children are confiner by what we can and cannot do. We can't even hold thier hands if they are lost. What the world has come to, I do not know, but it is true... you do something pure, honest and good, and there will be one person to think it is wrong!)

I am a nice shark. Not a mindless eating machine. If i am to change this image, i must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food!
- Bruce (Finding Nemo)

"You seen my girlfriend, tall, thin, legs for days?"
"Yeah. I pitched her overboard." (Center Stage)

The next man that laughs is gonna get his head ventilated.
- Bill Hickok (Calamity Jane)

When a man gets tired of London, he is tired of life (Dr. Johnson)

Thought the harder, heart the keener (ESEEX UNIVERSITY MOTTO)

"If his unpleasant wounding has in some way enlightened the rest of you as to the grim finish below the glossy veneer of criminal life and inspired you to change your ways, then his injuries carry with it an inherent nobility and supreme glory. We should all be so fortunate. You say poor Toby; I say poor us." Sphinx
"He spoke." Tumbler
"Hey man, I thought you were from Long Beach." Memphis (Gone in 60 seconds)

"Nobody is as mysterious as they think they are" Claire Colburn (Elizabethtown)

"It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends" Dumbledore (VERY TRUE! :s)

"Thoughts could leave deeper scarring than almost anything else" madam pomfrey

How much easier it is to be critical than correct. -Disraeli (REMEMBER THIS WHEN CRITICISING OTHERS....)

We make a living my what we get, we make a life by what we give. (Churchill) A MOTTO TO LIVE LIFE BY I THINK. IF WE ALL LIVED BY WHAT WE GAVE, WE WOULD ALL BE IN POVERTY...

Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed. (Mao Tse Tung) TO BE HONEST THOUGH I CONCEDE BOTH ARE SOMETIMES NECESSARY, I DON'T LIKE EITHER.

"In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." Mr Darcy (BEST NOVEL EVER- JOINT WITH PERSUASION- ROCK ON JANE AUSTEN!!)

"Can't you tell me off the record?"
"Off the record, I like to be kissed before I am fucked." (Blood Diamond)


Old Fogey said...

Churchill's quote about history (that he'll write it) is true and terrifying. You're a historian. So, how do you feel about all the history you have read? Can you say you have read it correctly if, as Churchill implies, it is always written by the victors, or those, like him, who have the means of writing it? How much of history is now lost because those who lived weren't articulate? I guess this is the only issue where I can say I feel left wing (in all other things I'm certainly not).

Oscar Wilde is without equal - and so much greater than any of the plays and books he wrote.

The Not-so-Spotless Mind said...

Oh God, yes it is terrifying- This quote always has that effect on me- George Orwell really goes to town on this topic of the 'Victors Write History' in 1984 etc... and it is true. How can we know that anything we read is right, from the newspapers we read in the morning to the history books that inform us of our past. I believe that it has a very skewed view, and no history can be objective, factual and display the truth for both sides of the argument. I agree also that we have lost a lot of vital information from those who don't 'articulate'.

I had an interesting converstaion with an Afghan cab driver yesterday, who detailed what he had experienced in Afghanistan and never in any book I have read, programme or news broadcast have I seen what he described. I think the Afghan and Iraqi wars will be another case of 'Victors' writing a biased view of history. And I guess by victors, the most powerful. We really only ever here the "English" version of events and rarely the 'small people'. Who will document this man's and his people's plight from their side of the fence? pfft... who knows?

Oscar Wilde is a legend! Btw, have you seen the film of his life with Stephen Fry in? It is called 'Wilde'- it is amazing as is Fry!!

Can Bass 1 said...

You are entirely correct about forgiving enemies, my dear. (Oh, am I allowed to call you that?) But I think St Paul said it slightly better in Romans: love you enemies, for in so doing you will heap burning coals upon their heads. Who says Christianity's namby-pamby?

The Not-so-Spotless Mind said...

haha indeed! Some serious force behind that statement eh? But I think St Paul does say it better... consider it changed??
( and certainly, I do not take offence to my dear!! :D)

Old Fogey said...

NSSM - Also I don't agree with Dr Johnson about London. He didn't know it as it is now. My version now is - He who is tired of London has better things to do with his life!

The Not-so-Spotless Mind said...

Dr Johnson's London, although different from today, suffered from the same divided of those who loved it and those who hated it. He was a lover. There was a recklessness about London, a naughty element that many 'do-gooders' wanted to stop. It was a den of vice. But for writers like Johnson it was a den of paradise and virtue. I wonder how it works for some and not others.
And seeing as I do not live there, when I visit I can appreciate the things that many Londoners walk past everyday. In Johnson's time, I suppose that he would not have just lived in London. Like many of his contemporaries, Bath and the like had a calling, but essentially, what johnson is saying, at the end of the day you cannot get bored of London, tired of its vibrance...
I perhaps agree with you in a way, that sometimes you do just sick and tired of that exuburence??