Friday 27 February 2009

So, a little update...

Nothing too exciting happening at the moment, kiddies. The same old same old Masters dilemma has an added new bonus of an unhelpful lecturer, who unsurprisingly won't give me a reference for my application. It is not that she won't actually do it, because I am evil, the devil, or other, but merely because it is who she is. She didn't reply to my dissertation queries as my dissertation supervisor, so why would she for something so important as actually obtaining a place for a Masters?

In addition, life at work is reasonably fun. A little boring at times, but I am feeling the bonding powers with my colleagues, that as ever drag us through the long day, surely to get longer as summer opening hours come into play. I feel content apart from the above matter. I am sure I will solve it, even if I do have to call upon my newly formed bonds with colleagues to provide the much needed shovels and moral support whilst I dispose of the body :) > joke by the way... just in case... well you never know...

So... in summary... TODAY I...

* was embarrassed about being caught singing and sashaying down the corridor to "Breathe Slow" by Alesha Dixon by a rather high up official (ish) at work. What can I say? Cheese works for me!

* did enjoy the sunshine. Spring is nearly here and I have bought a random collection of seeds to plant ranging from lettuce to chillis, and pretty striking red flowery things (I am no horticulturist) to sunflowers.

*enjoy the wonders of technology i.e. texting> I feel like a school girl again with my old huge brick Philips phone... those were the days. Who needs the old fashioned holding hands scenario? Happiness reigns! And also I shall include under the heading of technology and similar.... my laptop has been fixed... one new hard drive = £70 and some free advice of how to keep it ticking over... Plus I didn't lose my pictures, documents or music, so I am SOOOOO pleased! Bless working connections and God love my mother and her infinite amount of favours owed to her and thus cheapness of laptop fixing!

* am still enjoying the Stephanie Meyer vampire series, the next two of the series which arrived Wednesday to my glee though obviously I cannot read them at work :( but yay!

*I am now enjoying a cold glass of Lambrini, because yes, "girls do wanna have fun" and I am leaving my Masters application for tomorrow night, when I will sort out what I am doing. Tonight is for me and Stephanie Meyer and vampires and werewolves! Oh what an exciting life out I lead...


Anonymous said...

Oooh I can name that teacher in one guess!! Bless her heart, she'll never change eh? Throw alligators at her if she won't do it...and make it SNAPPY. Sorry, that shit pun has no relevance to anything, I just couldn't stop myself.

More things I enjoyed about this update:
- Sashaying!
- Purchasing seeds and subsequent gardening. Legend.
- Retro telephone
- Computer success!
- Lambrini girls just wanna have fun :)

Holding hands eh? Romantic overtones, I need to investigate this further :) x

The Not-so-Spotless Mind said...

haha i liked the alligator joke, it made me smile!
lol took me a few attempts to spell sashaying haha, also seeds- i felt veyr elderly cos i quite like gardening but then we always were very elderly! haha
yay computer success and indeed subsequent lambrini drinking!!
no no no... texting is like holding hands... sigh if only lol