Wednesday 21 October 2009

Ode to Death of a Pod Boot

It has been awhile. Apologies. I shall get on to why the long delay soon enough. For now I want to talk of my love for my favourite Pod boots.

They have died. There has been a hole just at the back near the ankle forming for quite some time and this week a zip fell off one of them. They are slowly making their way to shoe heaven. My mother tried throwing them out this weekend. I managed to secret them out of the rubbish pile before she could catch me!
Why do I love these hideous monstrosities?
They are hardly sexy, feminine, gorgeous boots everyone longs for. They make my toes poke holes in all my favourite stripey socks because of the platform's incline downwards, they look ridiculous with all skirts, my mam calls them my Oliver Twist boots as I look like a street urchin when wearing with cropped trousers (oh yes, I bust them out with cropped trousers!!) and they are so unfashionable they warrant being advertised in Grannies R Us outfitters store.
But alas I do love them so. I have begun a search for a new boot love of equal comfort and hideousness. :( But I just want them.
They have been with me through the traumas of Sixth Form, the wild nights and crazy days of university and on the North Terrace at work in the depths of winter... that equates to about 6 years altogether.
So here I blog here to praise my "Pod boot", the highlight of shoe comfort and major "mother annoyance" and platform fantasticness. Praise be Podness!


Anonymous said...

I remember these! RIP.

Colette said...

I can't believe you wear them with cropped trousers!!!!!!

The Not-so-Spotless Mind said...

:) RIP indeed
they have finally given up the ghost...

Yeah, Paddy, I did wear them with cropped trousers though never out of the house when my mam was around- she would kill me... the plea? fashion murder!

sad times though...