Friday 28 August 2009

V Festival

1) The Music
What did I see? A lot, but I missed a lot too.... There is just no way you can see evrything! It is nigh on impossible! We saw James Morrison, Keane, The Killers, Lily Allen, Taylor Swift, Razorlight, The Wombats, The Enemy, Katy Perry, The Ting Tings, Ocean Colour Scene, Paolo Nutini, Starsailor, Bjorn again and the end of Elbow I think!!

My top five acts were:
1) The Killers
2) Lily Allen
3) The Ting Tings
4) The Script/Keane (becuase I do not want to miss either one out!! lol)
5) Bjorn Again (ABBA tribute band)

The Killers were fab! They played all their best songs and my voice was soooo unbelievably horse afterwards! We were drunk, my friend Hatty and Bradders were there with my cousin and brother! We were jumping around like loony toons (sp??) and singing the lines at each other!! AMAZING!! This was one of four bands I wanted to see and they did not disappoint!

Lily Allen was frickin' awesome! I mean exactly like the album and she sung "Fuck You"- a great song on her album as well as covering "Toxic" by Britney Spears and nailed that too! It was a complete Me moment :)

The Ting Tings- a new band that I have loved from day one and I knew their album off by heart and again they played exactly like their records- fabulous stuff! Really got the crowd going in the hot heat!

The Script were a real surprise. I wasn't that fussed but boy! They were great! They were a little drunk but having a ball on stage and it was contagious! Keane were my back up choice because Oasis failed to turn up. (A sore point- don't get me started). They were GREAT! They played my favourite song of theirs (and it is in my top ten favourite songs of all time too)- Bedshaped! It was birthday and it was the ideal gift (the only one I got on that day apart from shots of alcohol :P). They finished on a cover of "Under Pressure" by Queen which really pleased my brother who is a huge Queen fan and compensated for me dragging him to see them!

Now Bjorn Again is a little bit of an odd entry. They were just a watcher while we drunk beer and got warmed up or the bands we actually came to see but they were amazing and it was where this photo was taken! We were all up and dancing to the ABBA classics and it was just a real motivator for the day! A good kick off for my birthday! Plus it coincided with a little celebratory dance I had on sneaking in a bottle of vodka, lemonade and lime in (they weren't allowing any alcohol in!)

2) The Company
I went with my brother, my two cousins and all their friends and this was just an ideal group of people who all loved music and were a great laugh. Considering my brother and I only really knew most of the group from a couple of nights out in London we got on really well... especially since we were all living together so closely!!

From using plastic bottles as loo paper (yes, you did read that correctly) to severe drunken frolics of collapsing chairs, incomprehensible banter and bad singing we had a ball.

3) The Toilets

Eeewwww. Enough said I think. But I survived it just about!! They were gross though and definitely worse than I expected! It is the summary of the condition of man back in the Victorian slums for me with these out houses as iot were and a pile of tents/slums lol!! I did enjoy the camping part though and am considering adopting it as a method of holidaying in the future!

4) The Aftermath
WE ARE GOING AGAIN! The tickets are booked, so V Festival 2010 here we come! It is going to be immense!

Another side effect of this is (on the negative side) I have been left to do all the washing and tidying up. Grrrr.... And I still haven't been paid back by my brother. I am far too nice a debt collector... I need to employ someone else to do it for me!! lol

But what a weekend, and what an unusual birthday!! Great times!!


Meg said...

SO JEALOUS that you got to go to V! I would have loved to be there, especially as my favorites, Keane, were playing.

The Not-so-Spotless Mind said...

They were truly amazing! My all time top ten songs... okay top five really includes "Bedshaped" which they sung SOOOO well! They really surprised me- I mean I like them but you know- I didn't know thye would be THAT good live!!