Wednesday 6 May 2009

Irish Guards Get Their New Colours At Windsor!

'Tis the first time I have ever seen the Queen, and I was dead chuffed today for having been working where I was! Gave me a great outlook!! Shame I didn't get any great quality photos though :( *sad times* however.... here (above, because I can't get them anywhere else) are some of the photos of the queen personally giving the Irish guards their new colours today in the Quadrangle in Windsor Castle.

The Colours display the regiment's "Iraq 2003" battle honours for the first time. They were the first regiment to go into Basra during the war and have lost four soldiers since 2003. They last returned from operations in Iraq in December 2007. The Queen also recognised their service in Kosovo in 1999.
After their practice rehearsals this week, I have to say they looked marvellous in all their regalia. They were smart, all together in their movements, the mascot, an Irish wolfhound, was immacualately well behaved, and the music was apt. They played Auld Lang Syne which was supposed to represent the retirement of the old colours from service. It was a really nice ceremony.

The weather was sunny albeit a bit breezy- but I am sure the soldiers were appreciative of the breeze to keep them cool under the bearskins. The tourists were ecstatic to have seen the queen- they never expected to see her and they were soooo pleased. They are in some ways more patirotic than us Brits are.

All in all today I feel pleased for two reasons. One to British. I felt a surge of patriotism and pride in our armed forces (not that I agree that they are always applied to the correct use by the government, but I am sure that is more political than their fault!!!). Secondly, I am just so pleased that we have ended our reign in Iraq this past week or so. It was never right. Sadam Hussain mya have been what he was, but the legitimate reason this government put forwards for entering this conflict have been founded to be false. How is it we get away with this? Regardless, well done lads! The British population are proud of ya! As for the government..... you have your comeuppance (I hope) in the election for you have let us down!!

Well done lads again....

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