Wednesday 17 February 2010

"Weight Loss" Scheme Update

I am not giving anything up for Lent because I think calorie counting is cutting out pretty much any fun I am having. LOLz
Well... has it worked?

*insert marching feet upstairs, insert the groan of the scales, insert marching back downstairs*

Sigh. Nothing. I haven't lost a bean. However, in the spirit of maintaining this positive personal outlook, I haven't put any on either. Woo hoo?

However, I am finding it increasingly hard to convince the parents that "No, roast dinners are not healthy... yes, there is a considerable amount of vegetables, but you have put butter into the carrot and swede, and the cabbage; the roast potatoes have been cooked in fat and sprinkled in a lifetime's supply of rock salt and the yorkie pudding is a heart attack in a cute round form "of eat me fatty eat me."" Then my dad said he would cook pasta salad for Monday night- YAY! I thought- FINALLY. Come home- he has put full fat mayo into it. *Sighs* Sometimes I think I live with the devil. So perhaps I should really marvel at not putting on any weight this week. Although fish fingers and chips tongiht- It is Ash Wednesday and my mam still insists on not eating meat. Meh. I don't mind, but battered fish and chips was not quite what I had in mind.

I would like to point out that I could refuse to eat this, but I am instilled with the sense of guilt and shame of not finishing my food- mainly from my Grandma who used to say I had to finish up to be a good girl, but she lived through the war years and it was like ungrateful if I didn't eat it all. That shame still lives with me and I have got to get over it.

In the hynotherapy class yesterday we had to think of one trigger that makes us eat so much- mine was either depression or guilt. Then come up with a positive image to combat that- "SWISH" movement it is called. It is the linking of the two that will make you get over that. I am still practising but fingers crossed.

So anyway, the positivity is ebbing and I need to keep being upbeat. I did my morning stretches and ab crunches.... no going to head up to do some weights and then bath and then historical reading. Victoria and Albert and their influence on the artistic culture for the masses. Interesting? Yes. Do I know anything about it yet? Nope. Better get cracking!! lolz

Have a good day!!

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