Wednesday 14 April 2010

Highlight Of The Day

My friend said to me today (paraphrasing) that when an old colleague gets back in touch with you, and THAT is the highlight of your day, then your life needs spicing up.

Well, no old colleague got in touch with me today. Nope, but the highlight of my day today was working out the geometrical issue of getting a too-large sofa out of a too-small door that Dad built. The first problem was overcome by taking the sofa out of the patio doors and turning it around in the garden before heading back in to find with the kitchen surface/large sofa/door frame issue it just wasn't going to fit.

Humph. Me to the rescue. Lift it above surface, Dad turn the corner bit there, then Bruva turn that there, and lower that end and shove and hey presto: I am a geometric genius and I didn't know it.

However I think the case was more that I was not doing any of the lifting, was standing back and could see the issues.

Plus side? Dad thinks I may be capable now of helping to negotiate and indeed have the privilege of carrying in the new, albeit smaller cream sofas. Praise Jeebus. Any larger and I suggest we take the roof off to get them in. Truly.

The highlight of my day yesterday by the way? Are you interested?

Well, if not, tough!

After the whole "You are so closed off, emotionally unavailable, defensive" etc comments from the Mothership over the last few weeks, I managed to pick up a 60 year old bloke in Tescos and only ten minutes before have an early 30 year old guy Tesco-worker try and chat me up about tomatoes... I told him technically tomatoes shouldn't be in the Veg section but the fruit, since they are indeed a fruit. Or even the salad section. No witty comeback unfortunately. I do this to try and make convo/see if there is any connection...

NOPE. "Oh right... cool tomatoes though" was the reply. Ah well. The 60-odd-year-old man it is!! I just hope "cool tomatoes" weren't an euphemism... or is "a euphemism"? It just doens't sound right with "an"... *ponders*

The Gentleman-Of-A-Certain-Age asked me whether I was married, had a boyfriend, who was the meal for, why was I drinking red wine on a Tuesday night... I concocted a great story- it is my friend's birthday (thus the birthday card I was buying- I lost the really cool one I had bought some time ago for this occasion grrrr) and I was cooking her dinner. *I wasn't by the way- the dinner was for Mam and Bruva whilst Pops is on business meeting away and the red wine was to steady my nerves about the imminent food poisoning and also delving into my deepest flaws, which seems to have becomes a nightly fascination*

Short of inviting himself for dinner, he said he will pop into 'Kew', the ladies clothes shop that I said I worked part time in. (In fact I went to an interview before my summer job at WC came up and they said I had no fashion style. I was offended at the time, but now I am just pleased.) We have enough funny characters around the castle without inviting more... I know I lied and I am going to hell, but both our dignities have been preserved and I did genuinely have a nice chat with him. So much so I blogged about him, right?

So, in summary, that is, or rather, they are my two highlights over the last two days!

Spice up your life? Nah, thanks! I can barely handle this one!! lol!!

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